
ZMK Cheat Sheet

Key Codes

All Codes

Each key’s codes are above page.

Modifiers Functions

xx(code) adds modifier key to the code. They can be comined. &kp LC(RA(B)) = Ctrl+Alt+b.

Modifier functions


Key Press Behaviors

&kp key

press the key.

Momentary layer

&mo layer

momentary activate specified layer.

To Layer

&to layer

Enable the layer and the default layer, and disable all other layers. (maybe it for &trans behavior).

Toggle Layer

&tog layer

Enable the layer until the layer is disabled.

Key Toggle Behavior

&kt key

toggle the key hold or released.

Sticky Key Behavior

&sk key

Stick the key till next key pressed.

Sticky Layer Behavior

&sl layer

Stick the layer till next key pressed.

The devicetree document is here.



Pass down to the next active layer in the stack.



No behavior.

Caps Word Behavior


Capitalize till stop key pressed. stop key is not alphabet and continue-list.

The devicetree document is here.

Key Repeat Behavior


Repeats the last key.

The devicetree document is here.

Conditional Layers

    conditional_layers {
        compatible = "zmk,conditional-layers";
        tri_layer {
            if-layers = <1 2>;
            then-layer = <3>;

If some multiple layers are enabled (in above example, 1 and 2), the then-layer (3) will be enabled.

Hold-Tap Behavior

Advanced Mod-Tap and Layer-Tap.

released within tapping-term-ms, sends tap key. hold after the time, sends (holds) the hold key.

    behaviors {
        key: name {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "LABEL";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "flavor";
            bindings = <hold>, <tap>;

flavor in (hold-preferred, balanced, tap-preferred, tap-unless-interrupted) <hold>, <tap> is behavior like <&kp>, <&mo>.

The devicetree document is here.

Mod-Tap Behavior

&mt modkey tapkey

hold to send modkey, tap to send tapkey.

This behavior equals the Hold-tap “hold-preferred” with (hold = key press(&kp), tap = key press(&kp)).

    behaviors {
        mt_impl: mod-tap-by-hold-tap {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "MOD_TAP_BY_HOLD_TAP";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "hold-preferred";
            bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

    // &mt modkey tapkey = &mt_impl modkey tapkey


&lt layer key

tap sends the key, holds activate the layer.

This behavior equals the Hold-tap “tap-preferred” with (hold = momentary layer(&mo), tap = key press(&kp)).

    behaviors {
        lt_impl: layer-tap-by-hold-tap {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "LAYER_TAP_BY_HOLD_TAP";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "tap-preferred";
            bindings = <&mo>, <&kp>;

    // &lt layer key = &lt_impl layer key

Other definitions

Mod-Morph Behavior

    behaviors {
        key: name {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
            label = "LABEL";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            bindings = <without mod behavior>, <with mod behavior>;
            mods = <(MOD_LGUI|MOD_LSFT|MOD_RGUI|MOD_RSFT)>;
            keep-mods = <(MOD_LSFT)>;

with MOD_* sends with mod behavior, without MOD_* sends the without mod behavior.


keep-mods’ MOD_* will be keep holding with behavior.

The devicetree document is here.

Tap-Dance Behavior

    behaviors {
        td0: tap_dance_0 {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance";
            label = "TAP_DANCE_0";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            bindings = <&kp N1>, <&kp N2>, <&kp N3>;

Change behavior by the count of tap.

The devicetree document is here.

Macro Behavior

    macros {
        zed_em_kay: zed_em_kay {
            label = "ZM_zed_em_kay";
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
                = <&macro_press &kp LSHFT>
                , <&macro_tap &kp Z &kp M &kp K>
                , <&macro_release &kp LSHFT>


The devicetree document is here.

Reset Behaviors


Reset with current flashed firmware. (like restart)

Bootloader Reset


Reset to flash new firmware.

Bluetooth Behavior

&bt BT_*

Output Selection Behavior

&out OUT_*

RGB Underglow Behavior

&rgb_ug RGB_*


Backlight Behavior

&bl BL_*


Power Management Behaviors

&ext_power EP_*